Recurring cleaning services are services that are well worth the money spent. The time you would spend each week cleaning your home could take away from your family, work or just quality time relaxing. Having a recurring cleaning service means you never have to worry about the unexpected. If a guest stops by - the house will be clean. A recurring regular housekeeper or cleaning service can fit your lifestyle and budget. You can tailor the services needed, to a regular daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or seasonal.

The services that should be completed to keep your home in tip top shape include scrubbing the bathrooms, starting with showers, tubs, sinks and toilets. A proper disinfectant should be used in the bathrooms and kitchen to help keep germs down. The kitchen should be completely wiped down, the microwave would be wiped out and cleaned. The stove top, whether a flat top or gas range, needs to be cleaned and scrubbed, removing food and debris. The walls, ceiling fans, and baseboards will be dusted and wiped down. If you want all rooms cleaned, the services should include dusting all furniture, fixtures, and pictures. The best part is the fresh smell of a mopped hardwood, tile and linoleum floor. Also, all carpeted areas and throw rugs would be vacuumed.

Recurring cleaning services are not just for residential homes and apartments. Many businesses use this service as well. Banks, doctor’s offices, and stores also have recurring cleaning services. Typically, these services are completed at night and on weekends when the businesses are closed. The cleaning is different from residential cleaning as these are more focused on floors, bathrooms, and common areas. Most companies that offer this service will need to be licensed and insured. This will protect both the client and the provider of services in the event of any damage to the facility, equipment or staff.